We have prepared an article with 5 tips to save water. Water is a basic need. Unfortunately, there is still a portion of the world’s population that does not have access to clean water. Improving this situation is everyone’s commitment.
In addition to the consequences it causes to the environment and society, wasting water can cost us dearly. Saving water is, in addition to an environmental necessity, an effective way to save money.
Contributing to change this reality is in everyone’s hands. In fact, advances start by generating small changes in our domestic routine, with gestures like the ones we recommend below. Start adopting these 5 habits now to reduce your ecological footprint.
1. Take faster showers
Think of the difference you can make by turning off the faucet when you don’t need running water. Try cutting shower time in half – you’ll see your water-saving efforts reflected in your bill at the end of the month.
2. Turn off the faucet while brushing your teeth or hands
To brush your teeth, use a glass of water. When washing your hands, turn off the faucet while soaping them.
3. Use only the water needed for cooking
When preparing your meals, avoid using pots and pans that are too big for the amount of food you are going to cook and only fill them with the water necessary for this purpose.
4. Choose more efficient appliances
By consuming less water and less electricity, more efficient appliances are good for the environment and the family budget.
5. Use the bathroom responsibly
If you can, choose a toilet model with a double-flush cistern, in order to use only the amount of water necessary.
These are the tips we have for you, but there are even more ways to save. Search your daily routine for possible overspending and think about how you can avoid it. By saving water you are making a difference, both on the planet and in your wallet!